Porn – I hear it exists. I don’t know anything about it though, because I am innocent and a good girl… now that all the parents have stopped reading, let’s talk about those good good internet jizz chronicles. Yuck, sorry.
I digress, Kotaku asked Pornhub for the top gaming-related searches of the year so far and they raise more questions than answered. They also raise other things, if you know what I mean… I’m talking about dicks.
It’s late, sorry – anyway there have been 2.3 million searches for Apex Legends on Pornhub. People really can’t get enough of battle royales, and I guess porn is a battle royale of sorts?… I’m not going to continue that thought right now, but feel free to make the journey yourself.
Here’s the rest of the info in easy to read dot point form where I stop trying to be funny about sex stuff:
- Most searched Apex Legends characters: Wraith, Lifeline, Mirage and Pathfinder
- Peak growth of 223% for searches about Resident Evil – top characters include Ada Wong, Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy
- More than 1 million searches for Kingdom Hearts porn. Mickey Mouse is so hot.
- Devil May Cry had 600k searches in a few weeks – people want to see Lady and Trish
- Metro Exodus has been searched over 240k times
- The search term ‘Anthem’ saw a 242% increase on its release date
- The top searched games are still Fortnite and Overwatch. Sad face emoji.